September 20, 2024

JD 430 rear chains , preparing for winter.

asetofchains, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

1/2 scale jd 4020 – Today I tested out the new forks lifting the truck snowplow and moving it and lifting the large snowbucket and lifting the snowmobile. Visibility was 100% better without the bucket. I’m sure liking the new and improved Waldon 5000, (:>)
Todays picture shows me switching projects back to john deeres . The third tractor in front I pulled out today and mowed my lawn and the neighbors lawn. This is only the third time I mowed my lawn this summer. It has been another record dry summer in Gaylord. So the mowing tractor has been parked in the back shed for several weeks. The second tractor in line with the trailer would not start in the back shed. It has been sitting for several weeks too . I think I flooded it so i pulled out the plug and it was wet with gas. I cleaned it off and it fired right up. The closest pictured tractor is my mini 4020 from the jd 430 and I am cutting some tire chains and making them shorter to fit these tractor tires. This tractor should push a lot of snow with that snowblower hanging on the back and with the rear tire chains. It will seem strange not having my big tractor and snowblower . It will be the first time in over 25 years I have not had a big tractor and snowblower in my shed. Hopefully my jd 455 with the single stage snowblower will work just fine and this mini 4020 will be backup and the truck and plow will back that up and the Waldon will back that up and worse comes to worse the jd walk behind snowblower will have to do, ha,ha. My walk behind snowblower has less than 10 hours on it and it is over 15 years old.
Most winters it isn’t used at all and isn’t even filled with gas. But you can’t get much for them to sell when you can go to Home Depot and buy a brand new one for a few hundred dollars.
THREE G FOR GAYLORD – Well I’m not one to go around spreading rumors and I’m just not the gossiping kind , BUT we heard today the tower is DONE and ALL the fiber optic cables are CONNECTED.
Just one more little step to go and that is the government has to inspect and ok the system . So were wondering with all the government problems these days just how far down on the list of important things to get done is Gaylord Michigans Cell Tower inspection , LOL In other words it could still be a while , tee, hee .
Progress burnt leg. My leg is still sore but improving slightly every day despite the fact i am out working all day with my workboots rubbing against it.
Komatsu Progress- In all the years I have built models I have never gone this long postponing working on a model. I think a little part of me knows this could be my last big model and I don’t want it to end . Also I had to get things ready for winter snow making the adjustments for no big tractor . The model is over half done and most of the hard parts are built.
If I could get in the shop early and work late 7 days a week like i do in the winter it could be done in two weeks. But this summer heat is hanging around the shop is very hot . I don’t mind working outside in the shade with a breeze like todays project. Good news is the rest of this week it is going to be cool so I will get back to the big Komatsu . It is so rare we have so many hot days in Gaylord. Several people on the news are saying this could be the new normal.
Have a great Wed.