September 19, 2024

Bitter sweet Weighday for Don Campbell as he loved eating the mushrooms last night , but sadly he gained a lb. this week.

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Bitter sweet Weighday for Don Campbell as he loved eating the mushrooms last night , but sadly he gained a lb. this week.

Bitter sweet Weighday for Don Campbell as he loved eating the mushrooms last night , but sadly he gained a lb. this week.

We got another nice little batch of the early dark morels last night and got them all fried up and froze. Unfortunately I just had to eat some of them first, ha,ha. Actually I ate quite a few of them , too many of them and it cost me on my weight loss for this week. Deb did good , but I didn’t . But it is worth it, but we won’t go get anymore . That will do it for us with the morels for this year.
Motorhome- I am going to get the motorhome this morning and get it ready to try out this weekend for the first time this year. It’s supposed to get colder but that is fine.
Terex Titan- I should get all the body work done by the time we leave.