September 19, 2024


asoldsled, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Snowmobiling – The fellow showed up this morning and we loaded up the sled . I had some fun on it but they just go too fast. It was very cool riding to Mackinaw City a couple times and some of the other little rides I did was great fun.
These snowmobiles go so dang fast!!
Even if your not going 80 mph, other people are . I could not believe how fast people drove down those narrow trails . It really is a wonder more people are not killed on head on collisions on the snowmobile trails.
And they keep making the snowmobiles faster . Very scarey.
It was a sharp looking sled and glad I had it for a few years.
Waldon mini loader lights- Yesterday I got the dash panel made for the Waldon with six new switches. This weekend I will get it all wired up and have working lights for the first time. This Waldon had lights but I never hooked them up.
Freezing rain – More freezing rain in the forecast for tonight.
Have a great Sat.