September 19, 2024

Terak’s New John Deere Shirt

anewshirt, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

City Boy – Not sure the little neighbor kids will think but Terak loves his new Tractor shirt.
This time of year it feels so nice to get to see Nicole , Bill and Terak everyday . We are so thankful Nicole and Bill get along so well and are so good to each other. Were also so thankful they are so good to their little boy. So many families now days have to drop their kids off at daycare but Nicole and Bill have managed to raise Terak themselves and it really shows with the very close bond they have.
And what a neat feeling I get when Terak favors his grandpa all day long and comes up and hugs me several times a day. What a lucky guy I am to also have someone as wonderful as Deb in my life.
I am so thankful to God for giving us one more Christmas together.
We hope your all still enjoying Holiday company at your house.
Have a great Thurs.