September 20, 2024

jd 4020 wheel covers done

awhelcover, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Half scale Garden Tractor – The last few days i been working on the other two wheel covers for the 4020 . Six months ago I just built one for the front wheel and one for the rear wheel So I decided it was time to get the other two built because it really does look much nicer with them in the center of the rims giving a more finished look.
Steiner 430 Max – A few more inches of snow today and another morning to play on my little Steiner tractor and blade. I’m sure it won’t be long and the warm air will be here and the snow will melt and the snowplowing will be done for another winter. I have had a fun winter plowing snow .
Superbowl – We enjoyed watching the Superbowl and was glad it ended so close keeping it interesting . A couple commercials were very cute and it is the only day of the year Deb says I can’t use the remote during the Superbowl , ha,ha. Whenever we watch TV I always surf the other channels during the 5 to 10 minute commercial breaks. Deb wanted to watch the commercials and they were nice.
Winter Blues – Feb. is winter blues time for people living in snow country. Little sunlight during the day , long nights , bitter cold , and weight gain all cause the winter blues. Deb and I are very positive and are doing fine and just accept it is part of the changing seasons. Can’t wait til we get that first sunny 40 degree day .
Have a great Monday .