September 19, 2024

A rainy day and a empty tractor box equals fun

afunnyterakpicture, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

12v john deere tractor – Well today were getting rain so no driving the new 12v john deere outside . Instead I decided to go get the empty box the tractor and trailer came in and I cut out a door and some windows. Terak has played in the box all morning . He loves the box as much as the tractor , ha,ha.
It brings back memories when Nicole was 2 or 3 years old and I did that for her and she loved it also.
She said she remembers it well having fun in those boxes with a door and windows that open and closed.
Sometimes the simplest things can create lifetime memories. I’m sure Terak will remember this tractor box even when he grows up. (:>)
Northern Va. red clay. – WOW, what Va. to do landscaping . There is NO black dirt , it is solid red clay. What a change digging in this stuff and every shovel full is one big chunk of sticky gooy clay. But it is still fun helping Nicole and Bill in the yard.
Bill should get his new 500series john deere delivered this week.
Nicole picked out her choice today (:>)
Have a great Monday !!