September 20, 2024

Making progress planting shrubs with Terak .

aplantingday, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Landscaping – Over 40 years ago I was buying shrubs for our house in Alma , Mi.
It was our first home and I was so excited to make the place look nice. I ended up buying over 175 shrubs and bushes and 25 trees.
When we moved to Gaylord I completely landscaped our house their with over 100 shrubs and bushes and to kick it up a notch I planted 15 flats of flowers along the borders. I got many compliments over the years and the garden club even contacted me for a tour . We were surprised to see three mini busses show up with dozens of people. to tour my front and rear lawn. I slowed down on my lawn and now it just looks average. But I must say I am feeling very excited to help Nicole and Bill tweek a few things in the front yard. Today the sun is shining and I got the first 14 shrubs planted and one Japanese Maple . Just two to go this afternoon with a little help from Terak. (:>)
Tomorrow we head back to check out some flowers (:>) Fun, Fun !!
Rear Patio – Bill and I are also working on a small rear patio this week , busy , busy. , fun, fun . Time is going by fast .
Have a great Wed.