September 19, 2024

Booming Construction in D.C.

buddy, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Great View- Terak and I had a perfect view this morning of a couple dump trucks and skid steers and some small paving equipment working in front of their house.
Terak loves all kinds of equipment . (:>)
New Home Construction – Just looking out Nicole and Bills windows you can see 8 new homes almost completed. In just the last year in this neighborhood alone over 50 homes have been built . Just in a 4 block area. Drive down the road a couple miles and Nicole and Bills good friends have seen over 50 new homes go up all around them. Yesterday we drove by three areas that had large signs advertising homes starting at one million dollars like that was a great price. A couple miles farther row after row after row of smaller homes being built by the dozens , next to them dozens and dozens of townhouses, condos , etc.
It is so hard to believe the booming way of life here compared to Northern Michigan where we are seeing record numbers of businesses and homes being forclosed on. One million so far in Michigan and over two million being processed to be foreclosed this year and next year. I have a friend who is working for those people and he can take all the work he wants closing up foreclosed homes. Hopefully somehow things will get better in Northern Michigan .