September 19, 2024

Degelman Blade

abladesandingday, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Degelman Silage Blade Progress- Todays progress picture shows me finishing up the top spill guard framework. You can see body work being done on welded seems. It’s onlt a snowblade so it doesn’t have to be too fancy looking. The screen at the top will be attached with screws after painting all the frame work.
I can’t wait to see it yellow.
4th of July – Neighbors are already lighting off firecrackers the last two nights warming up for the big night on Thurs. We spent many years camping at the Soo Locks watching the fireworks from our campground sitting along the river and seeing Great Lakes Freighters cruise by during the fireworks.
But not the last couple years as i guess at our age we got firecrackered out, ha,ha.
The only crackling we want to hear these days is from the campfire, ha,ha.
Have a great Tues.