September 19, 2024

A Monster Truck Ride

amonstertruckride, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Tonka Trucks – I am so glad I never threw these three Tonka Trucks in the scrap barrel and hauled them to the junkyard. Terak loves them with the big wheels . He loves pushing them around and he loves it even more when grandpa is pushing him , ha,ha.
I told Nicole she can take all three of them home and she said he would love them to push around with the neighbor kids and his cousins. So if Bill can strap them to the roof of the car , these trucks will get a new life in the big city, ha,ha. The wheels and frames are actually the same ones I used to use to move my snowmobile around during the summer. After selling the snowmobile last fall I am glad I kept them too. Terak is such a nice little boy except when we give him the garden hose , lol He will be filling the bucket with water and get that look in his eyes and all of the sudden turn and start sprayin gus and he laughs so hard when he sees us all scrambling trying not to get soaked, ha,ha. It is so funny.
Have a great Sunday