September 19, 2024

Me and My Shadow Terak , ha,ha.

arepairjob, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Grandkids – For over 25 years Deb operated a Child Care in our home . In that 25 years we around 250 different kids and most of them were preschoolers . I can honestly say that even i had a lot of fun with the kids. Many of them came to our house five days a week for 5 6 and even 7 years. So Deb and I had lots of practice entertaining little kids. But nothing we did was as enjoyable as the fun were having with our first little grandson.
And let me tell you he loves his grandpa. He runs right by Deb , Nicole and even Bill when he sees me off in the distance. It makes me feel very good he likes being with me so much . Last night was our last night together for a few months and today we are sad missing them. Nicole took this picture last night as i was giving Terak one last tractor ride and the engine quit. It sounds like a gas line issue so we just hopped on another tractor and off we went for another ride. Terak just had to get a closer look to see what i was doing , ha,ha.
Hope your all having a great summer , it’s hard to believe it is Aug. but we did not sit around a single weekend all summer and that is a great feeling.