October 4, 2024

Don Campbell hits 800,000 visitors today

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Don Campbell hits 800,000 visitors today

Don Campbell hits 800,000 visitors today

Thanks everyone for continuing to visit my webpage. As some of you might know , Nicole is the one who made me the page and helps me with it. She made a webpage for her five years ago and she closed hers down last month. She said she just got tired of it.
I have moments once in a while that I want to close mine down too. It’s been a fun five years of sharing my model building . I’m sure if I quit building models , I will surely shut down the webpage.
But it looks like for now , I still plan to build more models.
CAT N0. 16 GRADER PROGRESS- I got the linkages and lift arms all built and mounted to both sides of the frame yesterday before we left for our camping trip. Mon. I will work on the front of the frame .
TWO-HUNDRED AND FIFTY ROLLS OF STEEL – This picture shows a tug boat pushing a barge upbound with 250 rolls of steel.
PETOSKY ARTS AND CRAFTS SHOW- It’s a great looking day in the campground , temps in the 80’s with a nice breeze off the bay. Deb and I plan on riding our bikes along the bay on the bike trail and then later walking through the streets of Petosky, Michigan and check out the arts and crafts.
Thanks again all of you that continue to visit my webpage
Have a nice Sat.