September 20, 2024

Back from a great Vacation to Washington D.C.

afunnypumpkin, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Home for the winter – Deb and I have not stopped for 6 months . Our spring visit to Nicoles went right into our 1st week at my folks and we had one week this fall before we headed to D.C. for our last vacation. We had a the best time with Nicole, Bill and Terak. We are still drained mentally and physically from the whole summer. Now we can officially take the next few weeks and just recover from all the driving every week and all the packing the car and unpacking the car every single week since last spring.
Now with the short days and the deer moving in the woods we do not like leaving the area not to mention the frequent icy roads . We counted 19 dead deer along the highway so it really is getting that time of year. I now can head back to the workshop and work 6 days a week and try to catch up on the toy building that I had to let go all summer to help my folks.
My dad is being well taken care of in the nursing home and my mom is getting better each week. I e-mail her everyday and today she said she is planning on going back out to the farm in a few more weeks .
I want to thank God today for watching over Deb and I on our long trip too and back from Nicole’s house without any problems.
Have a great Sunday