September 19, 2024

Fall Corn Harvest down on the farm

cornpicture, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Nov 1st and the cold air and wet fields are pretty normal when it gets time to start in the corn. Even though it has been so many years since drove tractor on the farm it all comes back in my memory during corn harvest.
I even remember picking corn and putting it in corn cribs . Then in the spring we would shell the corn.
My folks – My dad is trying to adjust in the nursing home and were all trying to adjust too. Things have changed so much for everyone. God is our only hope to get through this. It is worse than we thought to go through .
Even with God it is very painful.
Todays picture is one of many fun memories we made with my folks. It was always the simple things in life like this that we remember forever.
Have a nice Sat.