September 19, 2024

Yellow Flashing Lights ????

asafetylight, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

I don’t think this rig needs duel wheels or flashing lights, ha,ha,ha.
Light snow in Gaylord today and more on the way tonight and tomorrow. So I’m sure I will be sharing the video of this custom snow shovel in action tomorrow.
Christmas Shopping 99.9 % DONE
Deb and I tend to not enjoy the crowds and the long lines and no place to park and busy resturaunts and backed up traffic . So we usually get our shopping done pretty early to avoid all of it . This way when we here that song ,( It’s The Most Wonderful Time of The Year ) we can just smile and think of everyone in all that craziness . Plus often times the roads are snow covered and slippery and fender benders galore.
We have had a lifetime of great Christmas’s and were very thankful to God for a great little life. Our life style is pretty boring to most people and our house is too small for the average family but we love it .
Our gifts are nothing spectacular but the excitement in our little house on Christmas morning is still there all these years later.
Less is more is what I have said my whole life and it still is very true.
Have a great Friday !!