September 20, 2024

30 year old Craftsman Vises still going strong

aaaviseproject, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Craftsman Tools from the 60’s and 70’s – Todays picture shows me in my workshop replacing the threads on two of my three 5.5 inch bench vises. Two of them stripped completely so I ordered parts and the parts arrived today. I’m sure the third one needs new threads too so I will order the part for it.
After looking at Sears and reading on line I was nervous to buy a new vise . 90% of the posts complained of cheap metal and the vises not lining up the jaws and the main housing cracking within two months. I still have my first set of Craftsman sockets from 1967 that I got for Christmas. Todays socket sets are also junk . I took a ratchet in a year ago and they replaced mine for some with plastic in it and it is junk. Didn’t work one day . I’m glad I have all my old well built tools because it is hard for me to buy this Chinese Craftsman junk. Someone doing light work in their shop might be ok but for rough use no thanks. I abused these poor vises so many times over the years and they still held together. Also a new well built Walton 6inch vise is over $450.00 OUCH !!
Zero Degree Temps – brrrrrr
Gaylord Snowmobilers – Yesterday We saw a dozen or so snowmobilers on the trails. Not perfect conditions but if you just got to ride then it must be enough (:>)
Christmas Presents- Deb and I don’t spend much anymore on ourselves at Christmas , we just enjoy seeing Terak open gifts and Nicole and Bill. We each get maybe 5 or ten small things but nothing big and expensive . The things we want and need we just get them that day . We never charged anything that we could not pay off at the end of the month and it is so sad now that people charge everything and are paying for those gifts for the next 5 years.
Dining Out – Deb and I have always been on the same page with our finances , we know every Friday our savings, our checking and our spending cash. We go out for lunch or supper twice a week or three times a week but it is always FREE. It is rare we pay for our meals. You see if you always pay your credit card balance every month you get a cash back bonus. So we send in for $50.00 gift cards at all our favorite resturaunts. Even when we travel we get cards for steak houses along the way or Panara Bread, or Red Lobster or AppleBees, etc. So that even makes dining out every week very enjoyable. Deb and I have always worked together and been 100% honest with our money .
We still have so much fun just doing normal boring things. (:>)
The key to real happiness is being content and Deb and I are so thankful everyday and very content with our little plain old little house and boring little lives, ha,ha.
Have a great Sat.