September 20, 2024

Diet , Day Two Tip

aaas, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Encourage your partner – Deb and I got up today and each took our turn on the treadmill and had a orange , 5 almonds, a banana to get going. Much better than a cinnamon roll and a Pepsi, ha,ha. Just kidding we never had that for breakfast. (:>)
Working together – Over the years we have known couples that one of them want to diet and the other one does not even though both of them are chunky.
They actually got in big arguments because one of them was losing weight and the other one was not . But with Deb and I we have always agreed it was time to get back on track and to start eating healthy again. If things work out for us to go down to Bushnell , Florida next winter with my mom we could bike and walk everyday and keep some of the winter weight off. Plus we both want to look hot in our bathing suits tee, hee
Out for lunch today – Deb and I were getting bored eating healthy today so I took Deb out for lunch , lol
Really , just day TWO !!
Too Funny , we got cabin fever so we went out and the roads are still quite slippery.
But the good news is we ordered a healthy choice for each of us. No pop , no fast food and NO FUN either , ha,ha,ha.
At least we got a break from the house .
Nicole, Bill and Terak made it back to D.C. safe and they sent us a picture of their house and yard and they have a few inches of snow too. So Bill might get to plow for the second time with his new jd blade.
Greenbay Packers SUPERBOWL ????
Come on people !! Just take this one week at a time and be thankful Aaron Rodgers is even back.
Toy Building – I worked on the Letourneau cab interior yesterday and I worked on the Cat offroad truck box yesterday . Today I’ll work more on them . With these freezing temps my feet get cold in the shop . Even with some heat the floor area is so cold and it gets to me. I don’t mind 20 degrees or 30 degrees is great but 5 to 10 degrees is nippy.
Have a great Friday !!