September 20, 2024

Velveeta SHORTAGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

aaacheese, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

People are panicking all over the U.S. today after the news reported a shortage of Velveeta
With the bitter cold and icy roads the trucks are all backed up at the plastic factory, LOL
We always heard that stuff melts so easy because it actually has a small % of plastic in it.
I have never been able to eat that stuff so this is no big deal for us. We only eat real cheese that needs refrigeration. (:>)
Well, hopefully you folks will get that next box of Velveeta soon , ha,ha.
Day 7 – We made it to day 7 eating healthy and it is getting easier everyday.
I got the little loader out again today and piled more snow .
Warmer weather this weekend but not good news as it is supposed to be a possible ice storm/freezing rain event.
Florida Flywheelers – Deb and I have always gone to Buckley Steam Engine Show and Walloon Lake Steam Engine Show so if we go to Bushnell Florida we will have to check into going to a couple Florida Flywheeler shows.
Have a great Wed. !!