September 20, 2024

Unimog at Work in Gaylord

aaaunimug, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Sunshine !!! Just 10 degrees but who cares if the sun is shining . We went to get the mail and we saw the City has started blowing back the snowbanks and the intersections with their Unimog Snowblower. This little machine looks pretty small compared to all the big snowplow trucks but it is very valuable in moving snow. It can cruise up and down the city streets at a pretty good pace blowing back the banks 4 or five feet at a time. It would take a wheel loader 3 to five times longer and leave hug piles of snow everywhere besides.
Mackinaw For Lunch – Deb and I drove over the I-75 overpass at the south end of Gaylord today to check out the road conditions . We were thinking if it was dry we would drive up to Mackinaw City for Lunch and get a nice hot fresh Pastie and enjoy the ride in the sunshine. But it did not look that good so we will wait and see tomorrow . We have a freezing rain warning heading our way but if it doesn’t hit until tomorrow night and it is sunny we will make the 45 minute drive tomorrow. We just need a break to get out and go for a nice ride . We got cabin fever for sure.
Workshop – It has been too cold to even try to keep the workshop heated . Kerosene is just too expensive so i have stopped any projects until it warms up to 32 degrees .
Snowblower Project- I have decided to pull the front blade off the mini jd tractor and modify one of my old jd snowblowers to fit on the front of it . When the snow gets too high it is even hard to stack it after while so it would be nice to have a back up blower on that tractor. Besides if I sell the tractor the blower will be a extra selling point.
Day 8 – Well one million of us are still doing great on our New Years Resolution of eating better. I jogged again today on the treadmill for the second day and it felt good .
It’s all about baby steps , just taking it one day at a time. And now it’s about getting buff for Florida. If I am going to be cruising up and down the beach in my Speedo I want my sixpack to look perfect LOLH
Have a great Thurs. !!