September 19, 2024

Gaylord Ice Storm Sat. , Jan. 11th

aaaice2, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Ice – Went to bed last night with the pitter patter of freezing rain on our window and woke to a good 1/2 to 3/4 of ice everywhere . I could not even walk out the door , the rain had come in under the garage door and flooded and froze inside 4 feet. So it was slippery even inside my garage. Lucky I had a few bags of salt so I spread it all over the driveway and in the garage . A hour later I started chopping it by hand to loosen it up and two hours later I got the little loader out and started scraping the ice off the driveway. I had to use another bag of salt just to get the loader up the hill out of the back shed. It was still raining at noon and is now turning over to snow.
Across the street at the Catholic Cathedral I saw a big Cat grader peeling the ice off the parking lot. They had a big cat loader and two salt trucks and a pickup with plow all trying to tackle the ice so the Catholics could make it to church today .
I can here sirens going off in the distance as people play bumper cars trying to get out in this mess. Snow is no problem but ice is
We stay home on the ice days .
This picture shows me scraping the ice off my driveway. It kinda looks like snow but it is pure ice.
Lost 10,000 people today boo,hoo
The first week everyone did great eating healthy but the stats show now everyday around 10,000 people will start to slack off for the next two weeks , then 20 ,000 people will drop out. It just gets boring and today 90% of socializing is done around eating snacks and sugary drinks. So great job all of you who are still going !! Woo, Hoo
Today is my 4th day of jogging , go me !!
Football – Can’t go nowhere so it is a great afternoon for some football (:>)