September 20, 2024

Those fun Summer Days

aaabuckley, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Winter – People up north are getting a little tired of winter. It is very early to feel that way already. And it isn’t even the 100 plus inches of snow , more than that it is the lack of sunshine. Because Gaylord is sitting on top of a small mountain we seem to be in the clouds 20 or more days a month in the winter.
Many people are effected when the sun does not shine. Deb and I sure like it on those rare sunny days.
Day 13 – Deb and I were up getting our treadmill workout done again today and feeling much better and I jogged again today . Surprising how quick we feel better with us walking for the last 30 years. We never thought walking 3 or 4 miles a day 6 days a week helped much but now at our age we see so many people our age that can’t even walk one mile. Deb and I can walk 3 or 4 more miles without any problem and were overweight.
We never smoked our whole lives and that too has made a big difference . So sad to see people smoking and coughing so hard in between puffing the cigarettes.
We watched as tv show the other day and it said it is not uncommon for a overweight person to be healthier than a thin person. Not if the person is really overweight but just 25 to 30 lbs. overweight . Lucky me I am 30 lbs overweight and I just made it .
They said were both eating junk and both our bodies are unhealthy . So thin isn’t always good , thin people don’t think they have to exercise as much and they often eat the same junkfood .
All I know is twice a year we gain our weight back and twice a year we lose it.
So far it is a winning combination .
Sad Day – When Nicole was in College she found a liitle kitten in the Alley at M.S.U.
She kept it in the dorm for a few weeks and then brought it home where we adopted it. We named her Alley
She was a great kitty , never causing any problems.
Just like we get old our Alley got old too. We been trying for a few months to avoid this day but we had to take her to the vet.
We will sure miss her .
Have a nice Tues.