October 5, 2024
Ferris Wheel

Gaylord Herald Times says Gaylord is in first place for snowfall in the lower peninsula

Ferris Wheel


We’ve reached 140 inches of snow so far which puts Gaylord at number 1 in the lower peninsula for total snowfall. Record cold temps dating back to the 1950’s are helping the inches add up with lake effect snow. The Great Lakes are getting close to freezing over and even that is rare for the first week in Feb.

Heating Bill

Deb and I been waiting for the heating bill to arrive in the mail this week. We both guessed a number of what it would be and to our surprise, it was $60.00 less than we both guessed. We decided to celebrate and I took Deb out for lunch to KFC.

Train / Garbage truck accident

A large garbage truck driving too fast for conditions slid right into a train yesterday pinning the driver inside. Everybody thinks they can drive the same fast speed and stop the same short distance on the slippery roads. It doesn’t work that way!

Gaylord Ferris Wheel Being Set up Today for Alpenfrost

The Annual Gaylord Alpenfrost starts tonight and we saw they were setting up the Ferris wheel. With wind chills below zero on the ground, you won’t be seeing Deb and I going for a ride on it, haha.

Workshop CLOSED! Have a great Friday!