September 20, 2024

Don Campbell talks about M&M Excavator Co. digging up peoples nice lawns.

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Don Campbell talks about M&M Excavator Co. digging up peoples nice lawns.

Don Campbell talks about M&M Excavator Co. digging up peoples nice lawns.

No case of ( THE MONDAYS ) for Deb today. One of the daycare kids moms called last week and said she was just going to have her older son watch her pre-schooler the rest of the summer.
So Deb now has the rest of the summer of working NO MONDAYS !!and NO FRIDAYS. !! Deb has been walking around jumping up and down the house so excited all weekend !!!!!!!!
So we are trying to work my schedule out so I can do the same, ha,ha.
Once school starts in the fall , Deb will go back to five days again.
Deb is a very hard worker and has been a hard worker her whole life. I am very excited for her to just watch kids three days a week during the summer.
P.S. – No case of the (MONDAYS) for me today either , I took today off too , Oh YEA !!!!!!!! We’re going to go have a fun Mon. (:>).
DAN UPDATE- There is a good chance he could be sent home this week as they wanted to send him home last week.
HOUGH PAYDOZER MODEL- Tomorrow I will get back to working on it.
LAWN DAMAGE – The guys from M&M excavating have been very good about not digging up anyones yards other than the small areas needed to be dug up. Many of them heard I built models of machinery and have enjoyed seeing my models in person on their breaks. They have started pouring the curbs the first four blocks south of us.
Hope your Mon. is going to be as enjoyable as ours, ha,ha.