September 20, 2024

Second day of snow , 6 ” total

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Oct.06, Fri. 13th snowblowing
Oct.06, Fri. 13th snowblowing

This Friday the 13th we will remember for a while as several locations in Northern Michigan received record snowfall amounts. Just north of us in Cheboygan , Mi. they got 13 inches of snow. The most ever recorded in that town in history. We had this much snow 9 years ago on this date. Looks like I will have to wait another day or so to get the lawn mowed, ha,ha. This picture shows me with my little walk behind JD Snowblower. It’s rare I use it. I have had it five years and it only has 10 hours on it. If it continues to snow tonight I will have to go to the shed in the morning and dig out the plows for the tractor and for the truck just in case it really starts to look like winter. Thanks to Nicole Deb and I are now (elderly Techy’s) with the high speed internet, WI-FI at home with our lap top and I-tune subscribers with deb’s new ipod with 30GB , that holds 7,500 songs Nicole’s had 80GB and holds 20,000 songs.. We downloaded a movie and was watching it while driving to Tyson’s Corners. We passed some fender benders and wondered if they too were watching TV and bumped into the car in front of them, ha,ha. Thanks again Nicole and Bill for all your help.

Michigan Elevating Scraper Progress– I’m working away on the front frame , radiator, hood, operators station, front lights, air cleaners, and hitch. By tomorrow I will start cutting out the first parts for the pan.