September 20, 2024


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Todays picture is about Deb and how I want to thank her for being so good to me for the last 35 years. She is so kind and such a hard worker and she asks for very little in return. I would not be the great person I am today without her in my life, ha,ha. No, Seriously , I would not be as happy today without Deb. Her and I still do many of the same things we did when we were dating and that is what makes our lives together so fun. I see so many couples today that just exist and they are not best friends. Deb and I are very honest to each other and we still joke and kid around with each other and genuinely laugh together . Although sometimes I think she is laughing at me instead of laughing with me, LOL. And thanks Deb also for being so good to Nicole all the years while she was growing up. You staying home and being there for her is the reason she is where she is today with all the confidence she has in her important job in Wash. D.C. and her knowledge from you to pick someone so special as Bill who is such a great husbandand also such a hard worker. In closing I just want to say again , Happy Birthday and I love you SO MUCH !!!!!! P.S. Many of you tell me you enjoy the personal part of my webpage so I thought many of you might enjoy my thoughts about Deb on her Birthday. P.SS. Her birthday isn’t til tomorrow , but it’s better to be early with some things than to be a day or too late. (:>)