September 19, 2024

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween


Here is a picture I took of Deb and four little Super Heros that Deb babysits for in our house. . She has two Supermans, one Spiderman and a Batgirl. Deb also watches two more little ones, but they were not here for the party today.. Seeing the kids dressed up brings back fun memories of Deb and I going around the neighborhood Trick-or Treating with Nicole for many, many , years. When she got older , she was a little embarrassed to have us go with her. So we understood and told her we would make the neccesary adjustments so she wouldn’t be embarrassed So for a few years we would sit in our car a block or so behind her and that gave her and her girlfriends more freedom. During the High School Years she requested we stay back two blocks and it wasn’t long before she was Trick-or Treating with boys!!. Once she got in college of coarse things changed as then she Trick-or Treated in her Camaro and she told us three blocks behind herand her current boyfriend , but often we would lose her in traffic, ha,ha. Once she got married things got better, her and her husband Bill, now just go to neighborhood parties. They said they have no problem us waiiting in the car only one block away.LOL Have a Happy Holloween Nicole !!!! Wish we could be there, ha,ha. P.S. Nicole, We really do miss going Trick-ot Treating with you. ^_><:_’/}{
LeTourneau Loader Progress- I got one side of the rear frame pretty well detailed and I will post the first rear 1/4 frame view tomorrow. I am working on the fuel tank and air cleaner system now.