September 20, 2024

Kevin and Tony and cool models

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Kevin and Tony and cool models

Kevin and Tony and cool models

In a time when many people have tried to start webpages and build them up only to fail and many webpages I used to visit are now gone. Even though I am the first to admit I make mistakes typing numbers of machines or some of my models don’t look quite right. I am in this as long as it stays at a fun level. So far I have kept a good balance of everything to keep it great fun. I continue to get first time visitors who absolutely love the webpage and I continue to get my regular visitors every week from every state in the U.S and now from 90 countries around the world. Many states I have visitors from 0ver 200 cities in each state. That is very cool !! I apoligize for inaccuracies and for imperfect models, ha,ha.
I am very appreciative of all of you who continue to stop by the webpage. And I can’t thank you all enough for the dozens of kind E-mails I get every week commenting on how much you like the machinery and the personal side of the webpage. I want to also thank all the Christians who give me positive input for not being ashamed to say I am a struggling, but proud Christian. God gave me a backbone and I stand strongest for him. I give all the glory for my great life to God.
SNOWSTORM NO, 4 TONIGHT- The weatherman is calling for 5 inches of wet snow tonight.
DEERHUNTING – Nicoles husband Bill got two bucks yesterday , so that makes him getting five deer so far , three with his bow in the D.C. area. His family all share the deer and love venison.
LETOURNEAU L-1800 LOADER PROGRESS- The parts are all painted and will set for a week before I start detailing it.
CAT D-9 G PROGRESS- I spent this morning cutting out the first parts for the first track assembly. Each new dozer is similar in the track frames, but each one is different enough so a pattern can’t be used from one to the other.
TONY AND KEVIN – The above picture is Tony on the left and Kevin on the right . They are E-mail friends and collector friends from Denver, Co. Tony went to see Kevins latest models a couple days ago . The models look pretty cool, looks like a D-11R, a Champion 100T, A D-2 Dozer , A cat 40, and a very large looking LeTourneau L-2350 Loader . Wait a minute, ? Those are models I built, LOL !!!! These are just five of my models Kevin has of mine in his awesome collection. Thanks tony for sending the pictures and thanks Kevin for enjoying my models so much. We’ll get the next 4 models you ordered to you by next Aug.