September 20, 2024

Sat. morning on the laptop

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Sat. morning on the laptop

Sat. morning on the laptop

Gaylord Snowstorm – Here is a picture of me that Deb took in our back yard this morning as I worked on the computer updating my webpage, ha,ha.
SNOWMOBILING IN GAYLORD TODAY- I got the John Deere out yesterday in the afternoon and plowed everyone and it snowed some more over night so I got the Tractor out again this morning and plowed everyone a second time. As I passed the snowmobile trail yesterday and today I saw several snowmobilers out riding their sleds. There is enough snow to slide the machines on, but I think I will wait till we get a better snow base. Those high powered machines got it dug up to the dirt in a lot of spots already. By the time I got my sled out, it will probably be all dirt on the trails.
I got the tractor all cleaned up and put away for the next storm.
DEB’S TIME – They just opened a new Office Max in Gaylord this week, so I told Deb I would take her there and then I would take her out for lunch so we will get a little quality time together after all today. Tomorrow the roads will be dry again and then I will give her a full day of my attention with no interruptions ha,ha.
Cat D-9G – I worked on the engine a little more last night and I will work on it more this afternoon . I could get the first side done by tonight.. Have a nice Sat.