September 20, 2024

Railroads about to get new Michigan built Diesel Locomotive .

donstrainpaint2, originally uploaded by Don Campbell Models.

Railyards and Railroads – Todays picture shows the next progress picture as I work slowly at the painting process. I hand mixed the dark blue color and the yellow color and the orang/redish stripes and the light green cab interior paint color. I am very pleased with all the colors . The large decals will really set off the other colors on the front nose and along the cab sides and along the length of the rear sections. There are still more parts on the workbench that have to be attached yet but you can get an idea now of the colors without the decals. Tomorrow I will tape off the right side of the unit and paint the orange stripes on that side. I also painted the horns and the bell today and will mount them tomorrow. I am very excited to get it done and I am Very happy how it is looking so far.
I will not attach the wheel assemblies until I get the section of railroad track built next week. Depending on the decals , it could be done this weekend except for the wheels being attached.
ICE STORM IN GAYLORD – We went to bed last night with 33 degrees and rain and woke up to a ice storm . Area schools were all closed and we actually lost power for three hours. The sun was shining in the shop windows so bright I kept on working on train parts .
Valentines Day – I took Deb out for supper tonight for Valentines Day. I am so lucky to have such a nice person to share my life with . I see a lot of people our age divorced or just miserable with their partner and it is sad. No one really knows if a marriage will last for your whole life. But I am certain that Deb made my life so wonderful and without her I would probably be divorced and lonely too . She always saw the good in me and did not push my buttons when I was having a bad moment . We always laughed a lot over the years and we still do and that is pretty cool.
I am so lucky to have such a wonderful Valentine on this Valentines Day (:>). I Love You DEB !! SMOOCH !
Have a great Monday !!