May 19, 2024

Setting the record straight about how many 1/8th scale Big Buds I built

Here is a picture of Fred and Nancy Searson from Kenton, Ohio standing next to their 1/8th scale 747 Big Bud Tractor I built for them. You can see the white hood and the silver exhaust stacks. This is the only one like this that I built.
We recently bought the ( BIG 747 BUD ) book that John Harvey put out and I saw a couple pictures of my first 1/8th scale 747 Big Bud Model in it. There was a nice write-up about it and Fred and Nancy said some very nice things about me and my model .
But just to set the record straight , it says that I only built one 1/8th scale 747 Big Bud Tractor.
I actually built two of the 1/8th scale 747 Big Buds.