May 19, 2024

Unloading 747 Big Bud

Fridays at the National Toy Show for us we would be up early and go walk through tent city and see everyone busy getting their tables fine tuned. At 9:00 am we would have to go to the school and get out buttons and passes that showed we were part of the Toy Show. At 11:00 am they unlocked the Beckman High School and let us all start setting up our tables. Usually by noon we had the toys on our table and covered them up til the show started at 3:00 . Then we would always go eat lunch at the Country Junction Resturauant . Then we walked around the school getting a early look at everyones displays and talking to a lot of old friends until about 2:45. We would uncover our table and about 3:15 the place was packed with people. The show got over on Fri. night at 9:00pm. This picture shows Fred and Nancy Searson from Ohio helping me unload their 747 Big Bud. It barely fit in or out of the motorhome. That was the tightest squeeze for any models I ever built. I ended up building two 747 Big Buds, the other one had the old paint scheme and this one had the new one. These Big Buds are two of my favorite Farm Toys I ever made.